Friedman starts with the premise that a citizen-led democracy requires that the citizenry have a basic level of education in order to care for the...
I am no expert on the validity of the legal argument here, but I do believe that they have a strong moral argument for the reasons you’ve stated....
I read Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom, where he argues for vouchers. While I can’t speak for all that endorse vouchers, it was very clear to me...
Back at you desert.
I definitely agree that failure is the way we learn, and many affluent kids today haven’t faced it as much as their parents did. The Coddling of...
I know what you are saying. I think the idea that “the brain continues to develop” isn’t one that actually has a clear end either. Many claim it...
I definitely agree that we’ve got a very different dynamic today and, particularly among the affluent, a situation where our youth doesn’t need to...
There is a lot to consider here. First, I’m not sure I’m convinced about the differences between 18 yr olds today va those of 50 years ago. For...
Also, 2 days after submitting his application? This sounds very bad.
Reminds me of the old banana argument, which for some reason involved Kirk Cameron. [MEDIA]
I like traditions too, but this clearly cannot mean that all traditions must continue at all costs. Instead, I think traditions must be evaluated...
That’s what I’m seeing too, which is an interpretation that seems to leave us with two unenviable options: 1) Go against the desire of the people,...
Thank you. I believe all of what you say, but I am a bit worried when the defendant is the state itself that this is a tool that could be used by...
As much as I hate this election denial movement, I think we need to be very careful about how much we allow the state to determine how it can...
What in the literal hell is going on here? I now fully expect to later wake up to the headline, “DeSantis signs law nullifying 9-0 USSC decision...
I would say both parties are on quite a winning streak, as long as we define winning as upsetting the other side.
It appears a very human quality to view one’s own beliefs as nearest the truth. Why possess these beliefs otherwise? But the unfortunate fact is...
It does make sense that they would have to pull out if they entered Utah without protection.
So true. Last week my 10 year old son asked me what my IQ was. I told him I didn’t know, but im pretty sure that it’s above 100. He responded,...