Right, so in your view, when the Clinton foundation was repeatedly investigated, it was because the DOJ was acting improperly, but it was...
It is definitely true that Trump has been targeted by democrats repeatedly. This analysis runs into the same problem as above, however, as this...
It seems tough for us to know that both of these are true. If he broke the law in such a way that made it easy as possible to prove, perhaps that...
I very much agree that cannot have indictments based on political leanings, and if this action is fit for an indictment of Trump, it must be fit...
No way ESPN turns down a no holds barred, once and for all, winner take all battle to determine the true sect of Christianity. History channel...
This is really sad. That said, I am not sure I agree that it justifies restricting her freedoms. I wish I understood better the way in which...
A communist dictate would come from the government, like the way that DeSantis operates. Having some private companies show support for...
Yes I could definitely see this kind of thing.
It doesn’t really square with my intuition regarding the guy, but your intuition regarding Trump may be more accurate. I certainly agree that...
Well I think people obviously have different opinions of the guy, but in my view, while he is certainly no stranger to engaging in questionable...
I am not sure it was giving him the benefit of the doubt as much as suggesting that selling national secrets didn’t really seem consistent with...
I had never thought the “selling secrets to the Saudis”, etc theories sounded plausible, but I was honestly a bit at a loss to come up with any...
This is going to be a tough series against a very good baseball team. I could see any outcome for the series, but I’ll be happy as long as long as...
Shouldn’t we at least wait to see the actual charges and evidence before laughing this off? Unless you’re argument is that a former president...
Wow. I’ve been assuming this to be the most likely outcome for many months now, but it’s still jarring to see it. The DOJ obviously knows what a...
Fortunately, there still exist a few checks and balances at the federal level, so even if DeSantis descends to the throne, he won’t be able to...
It’s a good point.
Thanks. Efficiency gap certainly seems to have some promise, though that doesn’t mean that the USSC should accept it as a standard. However,...
Indeed, such a system should give us pause, as it raises the possibility of the algorithm falling into the hands of special interest parties....
I understand that many disapprove of Disney’s viewpoint here, but this hardly helps me to sympathize with the matter, as the whole point of the...