Remember the days when 2nd and 15 from the 16 just gave us more room for a fade to Riedel in the corner. Now it seems like an impossible hill to...
Unreal mismanagement.
Castell fell down on that play. Would have been a TD if not for the Int.
Denson looking like Ahmad Black on that play. Get it and go!
How big was that fake injury just before the goal line play? We had them reeling at that point.
Reminds me of the 1998 game.
We should be up 17-0 right now.
1st down, why not run MJ?
His thigh was on the ground
Qb sneak with Mertz but not DJ?
Get MJ in the end zone! He earned it.
UT boosters overpaid for Nico.
Sneak with Mertz but jet sweep with DJ?
Can you believe that play call? Can you believe it? Why no replay booth review of the spot on 3rd?
Rough spot there.
What's with the sliding. Get the first down.
Maybe that opener against Miami when we had Zuniga and Greenard?
Its almost as though they knew we would run up the middle.
He reminds me more of Ciatrick Fason in terms of his size and the way he moves. Would like to see more.