It takes incredible stupidity to think that an effective way of stopping crime is by pretending the crime isn't happening. And it takes...
It depends on the basis for inequity. Convicted felons getting disparate treatment isn't a problem yet that is a punitive and systemic cause for...
Black people commit 53% of murder, 29% of rape, 55% of robberies, 33% of aggravated assaults, 29% of burglaries, 28% of larcenies, 31% of motor...
Yes, inequity in itself is not necessarily a problem.
Yes I disagree, because it's almost impossible to prove something isn't racist by leftist standards. If we are supposed to infer "racism" on the...
Must be racism. Can't possibly be anything else. Frankly, I don't even know how you make a math or reading comp test "racist."
Kennedy is the reason gay marriage is now a Constitutional right. No shit Democrats like him. Not saying he was a liberal justice either, but he...
A Republican Majority Senate was never going to vote to confirm Garland to replace Scalia in an election year. That is a completely delusional...
Maybe Mitch McConnell should've dug up 40-year old bogus rape allegations with respect to Garland. Maybe then you guys would be happy. We...
No, because Garland didn't have the votes. Yeah, take a guess when that trend started.
No, I'm saying he didn't bring it to vote because Garland would have been rejected. This sort of thing happens in Congress all the time....
No, he didn't bring it to vote because they didn't have the votes. Also, you're trying to have it both ways. On one hand, you're saying that...
Yeah, saying that Democrats are concerned about the long-term institutional ramifications of abolishing the filibuster... I have my doubts,...
Oh well. Cry about it.
Is that the standard we're going with? A few welfare queens and throw out the whole program?
You're using third-party characterizations of him to act like he was talking out of both sides of his mouth.:D You have anything regarding his...
I see the inconsistency, but I don't see the inconsistency where it matters most: Republicans controlled the Senate in both instances. I used to...
We’re in 2023, not 1980 talking about people who literally lived through Jim Crow.