Slavery has been gone for over one hundred years. Jim Crow has been gone since 1964. As far as "systemic racism," that's the whole argument so you...
They don't get a say, but their parents do.
I would call that inequity. Not necessarily racism. What would you call prison inequity between men and women that has been lining up for...
Yes, it's culture.
I agree that policy is largely to blame for the problem. I disagree that the policies are racist, they just happen to suck. I don't think bad...
I don't see how racism is the cause of that and I don't see how it makes sense to just stop policing if the crimes are in fact happening. Okay,...
An analysis of out-of-wedlock births in the United States | Brookings "In 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were...
I think you're overstating the role and you're misreading the solution. No amount of welfare programs or money will fix the problem. Choices,...
I really like that, but at the end of the day people have to make their own choices. The price of living in a free country is high and one of the...
If it's a problem that we have racially disparate outcomes, but the vast majority of the Black people incarcerated actually committed the crime,...
1. Many laws regarding crack cocaine were pushed by Black legislators in inner cities because they saw how crack was damaging the community. Crack...
You're using 2-3 anecdotal cases to explain the norm. Those are important, but we have a Hell of a lot more data regarding racial crime...
What's the end game for you? At what point will Black people no longer be tethered by the evils of our country's past? How would that society look?
1. The burden of proof is not on me to suggest that the primary reason for such disparities is not racist, it's on the people claiming that it is...
Because you group literally anybody into these arbitrary groups and they will make different decisions. And the differences will spark an even...
You might have a point if the conviction rate was something low, not 93%. Of the 87,709 defendants terminated during Fiscal Year 2012, 80,963, or...
I also care enough to give them the agency to make their own decisions rather than making elitist White liberals in ivory towers make those...
Why don't you point it out?
Clearly because George Floyd died. Have to steal that flatscreen in honor of George Floyd. In reality, it's because different people make...
Not if they know what equity means. Equity means you split a random room of a 100 people down the middle then take averages on a number of...