I'm not moving the goalposts, I'm mocking you. Not surprising you can't tell the difference.
It's closer to the truth that a lot of Democrats would rather display the Ukrainian Flag over the American Flag... than it is that a lot of...
Well I guess Tucker made a joke, some White Nationalists chanted Putin, and Trump said Putin did something smart. Conspiracy confirmed guys. The...
Ya'll watch Fox more than me, but from everything I've heard from Tucker, he's just more of an isolationist Republican who doesn't think the US...
I don't personally know a single right-winger who supports Putin and Russia. Yet as usual you guys are here complaining about this caricature of...
A lot of folks here watch way too much MSNBC and it shows.
"But Trump?"
Not a doctor, but not sure if obesity itself causes death. It's the complications that come with obesity that are the issue. Things like knee...
I definitely don't think BMI is racist. Is it useful? Minimally. Gives a pretty general idea of what a healthy weight should be, but to be...
I'm not upset with you, I might've lost my patience with you a bit, but you've been respectful for the most part. I agree it's a complicated...
Why do I even bother.
Oh don’t worry, we have a lot of state actors who love doing their best Smollet and Sharpton impersonation in regards to race.
You have not once told me what the end game is for anybody including yourself. And yourself would be a good start. “More Equity” but not...
If anybody who says “Marxism” is compared to McCarthyism, can we compare anyone who cries “racism” to race-baiters Jussie Smollet, and Al Sharpton?
I wouldn’t say enough to make Florida go from one of the top 10 best to the absolute worst.
Bruh, I’m still waiting for you to respond to that nice long post I gave you regarding critical race theory and Marxism.
That is not an answer as to the endgame. For all I know that could mean 99.9999% equity.
Do you accept that only women can get pregnant?