When I say “I can’t,” I don’t mean that I can’t in this scenario. I mean that there is no evidence and no circumstances I could ever point to that...
How can I possibly prove it? That's basically what I've been trying to tell you. You're arguing a non rebuttable premise. Might as well ask me to...
That does not answer this question: I have a feeling I'll have to wait an eternity for an answer.
Don't take this personally, but I don't trust you to make that judgment call. What's more than likely to happen is that people (not necessarily...
Okay, let's try another angle. How do you disprove the premise that vast disparity must be due to some injustice or prejudice?
At what point do they disappear?
So let me get this straight: I have to prove how the criminal justice system ISN'T prejudiced based on the vast racial disparities, but I also...
You provide absolutely nothing to this forum. Just nonsense. I feel sorry for you.
Judging by the bitterness and passive-aggressiveness of your posts, it seems like you were probably a mistake.
And I'm asking how do we know that? Is it just a religious view or are there some numbers that back that up? What are the numbers? I think it...
How do you know that? And how do you know whether the bulk of the perpetrators are men? And what does that have to do with overall incarceration...
You agreed with the post that indicated that people who employ the 13/50 argument don't actually care about Black people because they don't agree...
I never brought up rap music. I brought up culture, choices, and behavior. And I didn't say they don't want to succeed. They are...
Why'd you share it if you didn't agree with it? It's not like I even fished inside the link for something you may not have agreed with. I quoted...
Better choices don't lead to more money? What next you want a mathematical proof that 2 + 2 = 4?
This you?
It's hard to have a conversation with somebody whose schtick is begging the question and calling you a bad or uncaring person.
No you haven't. There is a disparity, you agree that there is a disparity, now prove to me how it isn't a result of sexism.
Again, agree with me on school vouchers or you don't care about Black people.
Why don't they? They're ending up in prison at a higher rate so wouldn't that mean that the system is sexist against men? How about suicide...