I've watched it several times. That pitch was so perfectly in line with her swing plane. Probably a bad pitch to a lefty at any time, but it's a...
There's dozens of minimally invasive back surgeries with minimal recovery times. I have no idea what Graham had done, but there's definitely some...
Vandy is getting waxed by Coastal. 8-0 going into the bottom of the 4th.
These awards are so subjective, I don't put much stock in them. Sure, I like when one of our players receives one, but I waste little time...
Even our homers have a tendency to go out of their way to not show bias. Not necessarily our homer announcers and radio guys (they're usually...
I would say easily the most impressive performance this year. This team continues to get better. Games like this are TOUGH to win. Kudos,...
Or the first.
Don’t understand trying to steal there.
Keagan or bust. Like they used to tell Bob Gibson, we got you your run, go get us the win. :emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing:
She got all of that one. Absolute no doubter.
Atta girl, Kendra
Winning grants you a lot of forgiveness.
Keagan dealin’ through 4. Keep it up! No more walks!
Pretty much everyone has struggled against her. That’s what makes her great.
I just don’t understand the fascination, or willingness to circulate nonsense. I’m not very fond of any of the...
Playing with house money now man, just enjoy it.
Does that girl have no eyebrows and no eyelashes? OSU 44
Good thing it has no bearing on the outcome of the game. Just keep winning. Few more games and there won’t be any of our opponents left to hype. :)