Yep, and satire has to be so extreme in order to stand out from reality. Hard times for satirists.
Similarly, if there is/are dissenting opinions, the writers of those opinions could drag their feet and not finish up until the end of the session...
Well, since there is an ongoing war between a large powerful aggressor and a weaker country defending itself ANDthe large powerful aggressor is...
And in Arizona there is a video of the fake electors signing the bogus ballots. They should probably seek a deal with the state.
Perhaps you can list all the ways in which the invader (Russia) qualifies as the good guy.
Apparently not. Go Gators
Will wonders never cease?
There goes the shutout
Cracking the Shell: Trump and the Corrupting Potential of Furtive Russian Money What an informative (and long) piece. It did a great job of...
Warning: Arkansas is full of people from Arkansas.
On X I get so many young “women” followers with half-nekid photo-avatars of themselves who all claim to be hot for me because I look so cute in my...
You talking to me?
Who are you talking to?:)
Sully post-game interview Thought Pierce threw the ball well, made a crucial mistake behind him finding ways to lose JAC put a good swing on the...
…. ends up on 3rd
Just hold the ball up in the air - they have to quit running - like in T-Ball
Yeah, HE got HBP this time
He tied it. Will have to wait 1 more game for the record :)
Barczi NHBP
No hitter through 4 (trying to put the jinx on him)