that hurt - FB down the middle with bases loaded.
Way to put 'em away Ryan Slider
More tent revival imo
Nice footwork by Heyman
You would think, but Sully mentioned Robertson's drag bunt approach to the sac bunt attempt rather emphatically in the post game interview. He...
Yep, his successful bunt led to that run.
Oh boy, I think Sully told Robertson to square around early
It was my skill in doing that , that made my team champions of the coach pitch league.
He hits that straight ball long ways
they dont need to throw a strike to Donay to get an out
Looks like the wind slowed down the RF'er
Its the small victories
Napoleon Dynamite is supposed to be informative in a serious manner? Yes, I know she shot her dog and that’s upsetting to many.
I responded to the post that included a photo of someone about to shoot a cow with what I took to be derisive language about Kristi Noem’s father...
I mean if you buy a calf, feed it, pasture it until it’s grown and are interested in eating the steaks and roasts you’ve produced, you can’t wait...
I have put down a couple of family pets in this manner but only as a mercy.
For Kristi [MEDIA]
I could have used Kristi's help when I had 2 teenagers in the house and I was having to screw the windows shut
Oh, but those launch angles are things of beauty