Spin of all spins. I like this quote from CDC : “And these excess deaths should most certainly not be attributed to specific events or causes –...
The most recent data from the CDC shows that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during...
I am talking of today. Not early 2020 or early 2021. In 2022, the numbers don't lie. You are not safe if you are 60+ and you are not safe if...
I don't know anyone over 60 that has not been vaxxed and boosted. My guess is 60 plus has a very high rate of being vaxxed. Like close to 100%....
Didn't more people die (with vaccine) under Biden than the previous administration without a vaccine?
In late March 2020, New Zealand recorded 5 cases of COVID-19 infection and immediately shut down everything, locked down borders and citizens, and...
Possibly Russian propaganda but it was not 8 years ago. The NATO part is recent and should have been a no go for the US. I will say it is very...
The Man Who Sold Ukraine This is a good read. I had not heard of this author. His bio "about us" is very interesting.
High School students in Orange County must take an electrocardiogram test this year to play in sports. Sports Physicals
So, how does one make an additional sacrifice for the few? Who are the few? What was the original sacrifice that requires new additional sacrifices?
Do you create that graph or take that from Mother Earth? Here.is a Newsweek article Joe Biden's approval ratings are terrible, even in blue...
which we all know is not true and just after one year he is the least popular occupant of the white house in our history
How are we better off?
Biden is weak. He's a weak old man that is all bark and no bite. 10 days ago he assured Zelensky the US would respond "swiftly and decisively"...
and many not from Covid but with Covid
and now the Sec O Defense is threatening to put on another mask!
CNN takes are not real. Take away the airports and who really watches them anyway.
FLASHBACK: Joe Biden in 2019 ~ "Putin knows that when I am president of the United States his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United...
Looks like they have something for the elderly and obese now. Phase 3 Clinical Trial Confirms SaNOtize’s Breakthrough Treatment is 99% Effective...
Biden is really not in charge. He just gets the credit or blame. He is not smart enough to make decisions and these moves are coming from Obama...