obviouslley you were not the vice-president
or if i wanted to stash it in my office or private home 6 years after the fact..
so, you are admitting he does lie,right?
or the teleprompter breaks, or he is cornered into making a coherant thought.
or become a speech writer for biden, that is, afterall, fiction.
here is a thought, SCREDDER!!!!
so now we have 5 or 6 people, maybe more running around with top secret documents, does that seem wise, and i know you will say they should be...
great, let's print top secret documents on a zexox machine, walk away and forget they were there, by the way, why make copies in the first place?
great, so copies were made at Kinko's?
National Archives dismissed claims of mishandled Obama-Biden documents weeks before first batch was found oh no, sounds like cover-up to me. the...
never find them at the border, 1 symbolic trip, hard to hide them there.....
what is good for the goose is good for the gander
the apple never falls far from the tree.
joe and the democrats, " do as i say, not as i do "
Or late for dinner
joe said whatever he was told to say by his handlers, no more,no less.
is it locked?
that was always my excuse also.......
so, fins to the left, fins to the right and rashada is the only bait in town...???
if i injured my uncle i would not play either...........