Oh great another Russian shill.
First new avatar for you ever OP? Do you still carry a whip?
Lol. Good lord
Exactly this. Racists in the GOP lost their collective mind because a black man was president (a tan suit omg!). Democrats acknowledged the...
Because I think deep down they know he got his ass kicked and it’s just a coping mechanism.
And I sure as shit don't want to hear anyone who votes GOP whining about the wealth gap. Literally the only major legislation the orange shitheel...
A subset of MAGA would never vote for a woman.
How did you find the article? Was it fed to you from your X feed?
Props to you for realizing your source was complete shit. I read the whole article and it never even specified that they were arrested for...
A hefty fine and community service ought to do. There should be mandatory prison time, however, for any repeat offenders.
My exact thoughts.
big fan of this Ulrich Schnauss remix of her song. [MEDIA]
Somebody call the whambulance.
Well to start with he’s a real ladies man.
Shocker right? Good thing nobody took me up on that bet (assuming he’s also fat and has a neckbeard).
Herp derp. How are those pneumonia lockdowns coming? It’s election season!
OP hates capitalism. Sad.
What sort of procedures?
I still shop at Publix but strictly BOGOs. I make a separate trip to Kroger for everything else.