If these numbers persist into the summer I predict Biden will have an unanticipated “health event” that leads to him suddenly withdrawing his...
Did they take that mugshot with a flip phone?
here’s an idea - let’s give them all huge tax cuts!
Have you met Rick?
I’ll be honest I’m a little surprised we haven’t yet seen Rick openly advocating for the end of democracy in the United States. He’s normally well...
all of this. Spot on.
It won’t be necessary. All cars communicating in tandem to maximize possible speed. I’m extremely excited to give up the wheel. It will be a...
I just thank god that driving a car isn’t a constitutionally protected right. Before long it will all be automated and it will be glorious.
good god. He’s about as bright as a cave.
I support this legislation. Left lane mouth breathers are the WORST.
Unvaccinated southern fatties have the highest prevalence of long covid. This is my shocked face.
Disagree. If one could just become a contemptible piece of shit (aka MAGA) and it not make a difference then Trump wouldn’t have clobbered...
Rick I said he’s a sociopath, not a psychopath.
Bless your heart, Rick. In my life I’ve never seen a more clear cut example of a sociopath than Donald Trump. A malignant narcissist to boot....
that’s sort of the appeal. Our senile old fool has capable handlers that tell him what to do and he listens. Yours is a sociopathic 4th grader...
I’d take Haley in a HEARTBEAT if it guaranteed no Trump.
Vibes to you. I hope you’re able to stick with us for quite a bit longer. But if not don’t fret. We are all right behind you.
Fair. I still think you’d change your mind if you saw Billy. I’ve attended several Del Fests so I feel like I’ve seen my fair share of bluegrass...