Yeah I’ll vote for the non-sociopath.
Of course the primary difference being some random Gator fan on the internet starting a thread a few hundred people will see vs MGT barking at the...
This years Joe the Plummer
I mean just with regards to what the talking heads are saying on Fox. They are all offended and think Joe was mean. Nobody talking about him...
I've only ever had a bad trip on shrooms (in the red light district of Amsterdam - wild story for another time). I've taken LSD countless times...
If nothing else it sounds like he successfully changed the narrative from him being senile.
your first question seems rhetorical and it should be. Probably not the case given fat Orange’s love for / jealousy of dictators.
So it’s safe to say you denounce Putin and everything he’s done with regards to Ukraine since the invasion began? I don’t want to lump you in.
Ask it to picture a donald trump rally including the people in the stands. That ought to be good.
Imagine being upset by this. As an American.
ok now I’m upset.
Oh boy. We are already living in a world where stupid people craft their own reality and it’s about to get exponentially worse.
I hope @duchen is ok - just realized he hasn't posted since early December.
Groomers Ole Party Every accusation is a confession.
Orrrrrr....MAYBE...illegals aren't actually sodomizing cows and you are getting your "news" from twitter.
Correct and Dr. Seymour Butts is a proctologist.
get ready to be called an anti-Semite for using the G word.
lol @ the “recommended for you” at the bottom. Nice information silo you’ve built for yourself.
Lol my exact thoughts. European purveyors of yellow piss water are out a billion dollars. Boo hoo!