I wonder what his views on abortion are? Let’s go to the audio tape! Will live in infamy as a step backwards for women's rights and human...
Ya got me self gratification is one of my top priorities (I’m an evolved person and I have several - like marginalizing twisted human beings). I...
You’re a twisted ….. it’s about body autonomy and self determination.
Some of them become “straight” news anchors of Faux News. LOL
No worries I’m fine…
Dark Brandion takes his shot a Meat Ball Ron. WATCH: President Biden Roasts Ron DeSantis With Mickey and Mandate Quips at WHCD I had a lot of...
She dominate him..:p
Ok not a big deal anyway..
There’s a lot of people I’d like to shoot if no one was looking. I tamp down my homicidal urges by not owning a gun which is easy because I’m not...
It seems a pretty archaic policy. I don’t see why a new poster can’t dole out negative ratings as they see fit. It’s as if you’re saying...
Guess he missed prayer day in 2022. If only someone else could have stepped in for him. It’s a vengeful god you Christian’s have. I bet he’d...
I don’t know how you can possibly deduce that. Not much space from a disagree emoji and a dislike emoji when it comes to it especially given some...
What if a poster consistently doles out disagree bacons? For example in a post that says cons don’t consider trannys a slur and then immediately...
Can you articulate in your own words what the “trans people movement” is? And how he is a huge proponent of it? LOL never mind. I don’t want to...
Well Trump was POTUS. I’m no longer surprised by people horribly unsuited for the jobs they have. Like serial killers as cops. Feel terrible...
Ok maybe terrible nightmares.
These lyrics seem appropriate wrt you… Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid Step out of line,...
Cue the violins
I hope he is…
I’ll let them speak for themselves but to break it down for you the the humor is found in his blunder in his haste to get out his message of hate....