I was placed in a chokehold by an acquaintance who had been bragging about his AF survival training at the academy (alcohol was involved). Within...
“When they’re young and you’re a star you can do whatever you want - grab em by the pussy!” - likely Trump quote
For sure for most people the Poe warning applies “who knows what evil actually lurks in the most docile of men? Some make it easy by shouting it out
You’re being way too kind. They knew didn’t care until they had to.
Thanks good to know my invaluable contributions are appreciated! Yours too.
To be fair to him there’s a lot to insult and the ilk are notoriously thin skinned (can’t say snowflake). Perhaps some here are unable to discern...
Most people are not emotionally or financially equipped to be in a marriage, even less so to have children. The problem is mostly with men (not...
Florida in a blue oasis, but impossible to ignore what a shit hole it’s turning into.
Not unnecessary at all. Indeed most necessary, as these states and their voting populace are leading this country to ruin. First of all IQ’s are...
By the time it got to that I’d have long left the country (on track for the next five years anyway) my hate for red states and most of their...
His tweets are predictably vile but that’s the attraction for the OP.
He’s also undergone hand and finger elongation surgery. Must have had it modeled after Ann Coulter.
Nope. I wouldn’t fine them for it though
The Hate is strong with you.
Fail! Regressives aren’t a race of people
This is fantastic! The majority dumb mofos in red states won’t be able to figure out VPN and their miserable condition will become more...
Any newish modern/upscale development where people want to live - on the water, or with water views is getting that. Figure 1000/sq, ft, more in...
And the only reason we don’t have a state income tax is because of the near 150M tourists. Without them we’d be a total shithole instead of a...
Because they’re all corrupt anti Americans?