He started it. It’s evident he’s obsessed. New rule “Traditional” white people can’t start trans or furry threads”?
If by traditional you mean lunatic bigoted I cede the point
Man you’re mostly correct. Good job! Welcome to the atheist club, for many it’s a long journey but some just have an epiphany. “Hey this is all...
Unlike a transgendered person this Christian actually did touch some one.
I live in the same country ? I already know that.
Show us where the trans person touched you.
Kill him it appears, it’s the only way to stop an unarmed person half your size. Especially if you’re fresh out of the USMC. Will be interested...
This is pet peeve of minE, cops are terrified of dogs writ large and will use any excuse to kill them. A home owner would have an affirmative...
I was right (Again) the Neely dude was built like a twig saw a video him moon dancing as Michael Jackson. (Not to shabby)
Another reminder that Brett Baier is NOT a straight news guy Newly-Released Texts Show Tucker Carlson Telling Bret Baier, ‘When Trump Loses, He’s...
the bum will have his day in court. I predict his only defense will be he was in fear for his life even though he’s a solidly built ex marine and...
Absolutely given the outcome and fact set. It’s either murder or manslaughter it DEMANDS punishment. This is an easy answer don’t know why some...
70K in 2009? Sheesh That has to rival Andover (checks - yup Andover is 110k now for R&B). Was no doubt a great investment for Harlan
It only applies in court. Given the fact set. No weapons, no violent behavior duration of choak, any reasonable person can deduce this is likely...
Ya bastard! Brought a tear to my eye..
Bet the kid who read Calvin and Hobbes turned out great. I named my cat Calvin and my Lab Hobbes for obvious reasons if you meet them
“Red state politicians are malevolent idiots” FIFY
This isn’t a court of law, based on what we know a reasonable person can conclude a crime has been committed. Unknown if murder or manslaughter...