There’s nothing wrong with calling snowflakes, snowflakes. They invariably inhabit (though a certain “moderate” who is obsessed with with...
We can guess who did it. Much like snowflake it’s not going to be overturned so why bother.
Points to traditional white people in the GOP and drops mic….
Also if he sends his kid to “traditional white people schools” they’re going to come out dumb as a rock and totally twisted. It’s a near lifetime...
The killer (thin but ripped) released a statement predictably saying he was acting in self defense and didn’t mean to kill him. Oops….
Ah the old work will set you free adage ? The resident of Auschwitz probably disagreed. Folks at at twatter too
Come one we know what is meaning is.
What excess cleavage? I’ve go to the beach a lot and frequent the gym and the very occasional strip club and I’ve never seen it. Damn.
Speed is not linear
Guess what all those people in Utah were searching for on Pornhub?
Agree I say we don’t. The facts can speak amply for themselves.
Not necessarily the issue is mostly about the length of the hold it’s murder or manslaughter either way but if he was dishonorably discharged they...
If he/she/it did exist I’m sure he/she/it would have issue with your singular interpretation of what he/she/it thinks Alas he doesn’t so we’ll...
3 minutes of chokehold on motionless victim? Manslaughter each and every time. Murder depending on who’s doing it.
Ignore is your friend you won’t have to listen to me deriding your laughable takes like this one wrt virtue signaling faux outrage and whatever...
Incorrect. Laughably bad take.A 3 minute chokehold by a trained marine resulting in death no matter the race of the unarmed slightly built...
Except that he still believes the shooting was not racially motivated. It’s still cowardly he just didn’t want to be pants any longer in the...
Wow. Your take was crap. Quelle surpize…
Well we have La Niña going on so that should temper things somewhat
It’s a good point most of the people I hear from in the news that purport to be Christian’s clearly aren’t from my understanding of the term. But...