They wouldn’t even mention what kind of gun was used when asked.
I’ve got several solutions. Ban A/R 15 rifles, do away with high capacity magazines, stop the sale of tactical gear, require gun insurance and...
you’re right he has many other shittier posts
This news conference is pathetic. Virtually no info. No questions answered. But we did hear how the faith community will “love on” the victims...
Make her life a living hell.
We need to to see more of that footage after mass murders - shove it down their gun loving throats. Shame them in the street, in restaurants where...
Video cam footage. He leaps out of a car and immediately opens fire gilling a bunch of kids and presumably moms in front of H&m [MEDIA]
Man giving you a months long Ignore didn’t make your posts less dumb.
No cities are burning.
So two (?) guys in tactical gear carrying long guns in the most heavily armed state in America (with open carry) go in the a mall with hundreds...
How many time do I have to say it ban the ammo. Israeli model.
This is just not true. It’s been pointed out to you multiple times i this thread with data. Apropos to nothing being dropped on your head as a...
nope just “traditional” whites.. Thanks for playing.
That’s pretty grisly
Nah only one confirmed dead, probably the suspect. I’m almost out of thoughts and prayers for the year so I’m rationing for either 5+ kids or 10+...
I’m feeling my oats today. The last 2 decades of dealing with “traditional whites” has informed my view of them. They’ve only got worse. I’m...
I defined it earlier as lunatic bigots understanding the tribe he was referencing. Obviously most most white people (like myself) aren’t lunatic...
Fai! I’m not the one who brought up “traditional” whites
Your extremism is showing.
Don’t be so self important! I’ll keep my guesses to myself. There’s multiple potential culprits two are very concerned with civil discourse at...