I am happy to have never entered that thread. But I will say we were extremely fortunate that the virus transitioned to an upper rather than...
exactly. And these weapons have gone from 2% of all gun purchases in 2002 to 25% of guns today because gun nutters are psychopaths.
We can’t give basic healthcare at an affordable price to our citizens how the heck are we going to tackle their mental health? Edit to add mental...
I thought it was because of our health care system, gun laws and resulting gun violence and GOP terrorists…
They’re not taking American jobs we need them desperately. My reasonable proposal? greet them warmly at the border. Do a brief background check...
unlikely it takes that long 202 this year. Two since Friday. The only dickering is over the body count. I now only give T&P’s if it’s over 10...
I read that in the last 20 year the anmmosexuals accumulated 200M more guns. A/R 15’s went from 2% of purchases to 25%. See the problem?
Adding Him back to the list. He’s an immature fan boi giving serious Orlando Gator vibes (a self admitted incel). I’ve never taken anyone of...
You have a rich fantasy life. Rock on..
That’s the thing that shines through in his posts (apart from the dumbness) immaturity. I bet he’s 22-23 plays a lot of video games and talks...
No one takes you seriously why are you conceited enough to think we care if you take us seriously?
I just read your posts for the out loud laughs. It’s like watching The Jerk or Dumb and Dumber. It will only last so long though.
Your doing a really great job shutting things down on this thread now sitting at 17 pages. LOL
If you call him a fan boi he’ll never respond to you. His grasp on the English language is tenuous and he’ll think you’re saying he’s gay. If you...
Much like straw man you don’t appear to know the meaning of the word triggered. You should learn the meaning of the words you use in your posts....
Well the option exists. Haven’t seen his posts since December. No skin of my nose if you want to unwind though his posts in the Ukraine thread...
they’re all talk no action. They open carry because their bravado masks the fact that they’re perpetually terrified. They imagine they’ll step up...
not only have your posts not got less dumb since I put you on ignore, they’ve got more dumb.
This is true I’ve seen the data