Play some more Boy George and show us where they hurt you, but you appear to be squarely in the trans curious column. NTTAWWT
When people tell you who they are believe them..
I doubt Christie could do it but the path to doing so will take relentless mocking of the creep. Openly to his face. Taunt him, laugh at him,...
If CNN was going to do this they shouldn’t have let Trump totally pick audience.
It masks their tans-curiosity. I bet O&B bas boy George and Whitetown’s “Woman in Technology” in heavy rotation….
Vagina and Ape. I’m out.
Kaitlin is taking him apart (very politely) but he bulldozes on with BS. Mistake to give him any air time.
They stacked the crowd for him there’s a couple of younger guys clapping like seals. Pretty sure they’re autistic, one looks like he has Down’s...
I’m not sure I can watch it all but right of the bat his body language is terrible looking down repeating the big lie he looks defeated which he is…
There’s a reason they’re are no conservative comedians.
It’s not only unfair it’s SO UNFAIR! They should hold his remaining trials in Moscow.
Any one catch the video of the victory parade in Moscow? It was led by one! WW2 tank. No missiles no flyby just a few sad looking lift...
They most certainly don’t.
If you’re a star you can do it…
The comments are gold.
Reading is fundamental. Except for team MAGA.
Agreed why treat sedition differently than treason especially when they’re elected to public office. If guilty swing them from a tree or face a...
Ya know if we’re going to ban tik tok why are GOP’s calling for the ban of right wing hate sites with an ru address? Or any right wing hate site...