Apparently two of the prosecutors were engaged in a romantic relationship. Big deal. But you are magnitudes more outraged about that than the...
Do those who just enjoy laughing at people who are orgasmic about voting for a criminal have to participate?
I see. More like "Boo hoo, people on this board talk about (public figure) Trump a lot. So much so that I'll throw out a non sequitur about...
Translation : "Trump should be allowed to commit crimes and debase our nation without it being commented on."
You honestly get to vote?
You mean like, he organized a RICO conspiracy while he was in a court of law? He defrauded creditors while he was in a court of law? What the...
This may have some validity if "America First" weren't simply a mask for kowtowing to Russia at the behest of a person who clearly puts his...
Is voting for someone who, as a public figure, deliberately and repeatedly tells racist lies (part of) my metric for what kind of person a poster...
Also, can we assume you no longer do "LOCK HER UP!!!" ? Edit : And that you were the sole voice among the sea of red hats following each chorus...
I really don't know; did I miss the part where you said you would never vote for a presidential candidate who deliberately made racist statements...
Nothing about the people wanting a prompt trial wanting someone "convicted and hung" without a trial then? That was just something you felt like...
The people who want a prompt trial want someone "convicted and hung" before a trial ? Weird.
Clearly the USSC is complicit in trying to help Trump delay so as to not be held accountable for his alleged (obvious) crimes.
If I made an incorrect assumption about you, I apologize and stand corrected. However, I think it's inaccurate to compare any "LW posters" to a...
Nah, just a pretty jack*** thing to say. Nah. Just a pretty dumb*** way of complimenting Obama. But your point is that those comments are...
Could we please get your opinion on something, then, since this seems important to you? If someone publicly calls non-white immigrants "vermin"...
You're friends and business associates regularly say things in public, to the public, that would get them fired from most professional jobs? I...
I agree that juvenile name-calling can often prevent meaningful discussion, or even indicate serious mental or character flaws in an individual....
To be fair, you should expect some healthy skepticism when a supporter of someone who supports a sitting President who orchestrated a conspiracy...
It is very nice to see our friends on the right once again embrace courtesy, politeness and speaking with proper decorum. It seemed they'd lost...