Retirement home?
Maybe one million per year?
Gatordan87 I think was one. There were others.
This is me.
Orangeandbluke is easier to tolerate if you take most of what he says as satirical hyperbole. I think he enjoys riling people up. If you don’t...
:);););):) But didn’t this wrong position cause you to vote for trump the first time. The road to hell is paved by good intentions. I too think...
You betcha. Lol
Your position of making women’s healthcare decisions for them is wrong. What a woman does with her body is none of your or my business. You are...
I agree. I do think McCain was thinking like an old man. Pick a pretty female that will make the women happy.
Exactly this. Biden is doing a good job as president but if our choice is these two old men, it may be time to rethink the primary season.
But do we remember her or Tina Fey’s spot on impression?
I know my opinion isn’t worth much but I always liked capt. Nole
Other than Obama that would have worked for either party.
I am a confirmed misanthrope. I like maybe two dozen people on this planet. The rest I would prefer not to interact with.
I am under no illusions that all politicians are scum you don’t want to leave alone with your kids. Lock everyone up if they ever hung out with...
Nope mom used dad like a weapon.
Never thought of it but my dad was kind of like a colder meaner version of Red Forman. He also was from Wisconsin.
Or Feinstein.
In 1981 I asked for a cassette player for my Honda cvc. My parents got me an 8 track player. Lol it was better than the am radio that it had.
Him and Feinstein should retire at the same time. Both are past their expiration date.