I am in a similar situation.
I want to think this is a joke but truly it would surprise me but not shock me.
What I was referring to was people getting the money for a new roof when a roof wasn’t needed. I know multiple people who pocketed the money. All...
I have always gotten those two confused. One was a muckraking journalist famous for writing the Jungle about meat packing in Chicago. The other...
Somehow stop the predatory lawsuits that got a bunch of rich people new roofs. It is disgusting the amount of what to my non legal eyes appeared...
Yep this, more than half are chemically induced miscarriages that are done prior to ten weeks of gestation. What gets me is the blatant dishonesty...
I remember a picture from a civics book in middle school that was close to 50 years old. In it was a picture of a campaign poster for the guy who...
Well if one out of every 360 planes flights was unplanned and unwanted, maybe.
Down from a high of 1.5 million. Number seems to be stabilizing at 900000 a year with more than half being chemical and not surgical. My reading...
Safe, legal and rare. I don’t know many who disagree with this statement v
Well it actually did. Desantis as governor is supposed to administer the state. He has failed in this regard. I know your question asked for...
He has been the governor and has been more interested in running a really brain dead presidential campaign than trying to solve a screwed up...
I thought about responding to this but I think this is a troll poster returning under a new name. Engaging them is a losing battle. The only...
The Republican Party has two masters. One is the ultra rich who only care about themselves and how much taxes they pay. The other is the religious...
In what round was Brady drafted in again? Was it the third round? It’s been so long I don’t remember.
yeah make excuses for cops acting stupid. Honestly aren’t we all more likely to be abused by a cop than helped. Now it just always gets filmed.
maybe I haven’t been there in almost 45 years. Things change. ;)
Maybe I am thinking of lake Conroe,. About an hour east of charlotte?
My memory of lake hartwell was that it was red water from the clay in the area. Not a good place to swim.
I agree with most of this but think that the race is unneeded. The poor in this country have a poor record of marrying before producing children....