She ran a very unintelligent campaign. The rules were known at the beginning and she spent so much time campaigning in places she was going to win...
The Book of Mormon had a pretty good parody by the Southpark guys
I adopted a dog that had mange. To save money a vet told me to buy ivermectin at the feed supply store and put an amount on his food (I forget the...
I thought it was useful in folks who had a parasite and Covid. I remember reading that having a parasite and Covid increased death rates. There...
Well he was a 30 year old in the minors it was really his last shot. I think he is coaching at a high school now.
A friend was in the minors. He had tommy John surgery on a healthy arm cause it would make him better. It didn’t.
Can the maga nation read?
Last time I got pulled over was closing in on five years ago. Cop said I didn’t come to a complete stop at a stop sign. Who knows I was the only...
That works for middle aged white guys, usually.
I think this might be a case where we should all wait before passing judgement. the family was loaded before this happened. I am tempted to say...
Yes he is a different island with similar attitudes of getting their kids to the majors.
I was reading the family had money already. They own or at least control close to 200 franchise restaurants including over 50 chick fil a
We shall see.
He is a Dominican 22. Unless things have changed it is not uncommon for dominican baseball players to have multiple birth certificates. I remember...
I think the trump supporters represent 30 percent of our country. 30 percent of our country is wrong about everything. lol
My guess is wander is at least 24 years old. A 19 year old with a 14 year old is wrong.
I heard that too. Not sure where they are with that.
Just read this this morning. I hope it’s not true but I don’t have an opinion. I just wonder how old is he Dominican players have always had...
Like everyone else Native Americans are not a monolithic block. I thinks it’s a racist derogatory term. My three friends who have native blood...
If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say somebody edited that info off and erased the trail. lol My reading it at 4 am is probably why my...