For not making him look like a scumbag later?
A lot of the documentary seemed scripted to me. It would be impossible for Meyer not to know who Tebow was.
Just want to go on record that I will be getting the new Covid shot and the new flu shot when they are available. Preferably at the same time.
But can you pull the mask below your nose like most idiots do?
I have now watched the first two hours it was all good imho. Meyer even sets up his downfall in a friendly personable way.
You asking legal or illegal ways. It’s a Netflix exclusive. There are no clips on YouTube other than a preview. I am sure it’s been pirated somehow.
I am thinking about policing and gun usage. Most cops are good there are just a few bad apples. Most gun owners are good there are just a few bad...
Well the 45 year old joke (when I heard it was answered with “cut off your head”)
How do you lose 20 pounds of ugly fat?
I think Trump encourages his followers to violence more than Desantis does.
There is a slight difference between genocide and raising taxes to pay for a social program.
I keep reading about how the old automakers are going to turn it on and destroy Tesla. It reminds me of an investment I made years ago. Amazon was...
That’s funny I have been having a shoulder problem and I am currently working out with a three pound weight. lol
I prefer to think of him as a Kerwin Bell redux
This is the absolute wrong way to determine which position is better. Someone who is wrong but a glib presenter of his position would come off...
I thought only Jews had space Lasers? And where I was reading about this people were joking that the Russians had repurposed an old washing...
So exposure to faith (the believing of stuff without evidence) is harmful to being a skeptic later in life.
Probably because the pacific is seriously deeper.
does anyone know what this is going to do to lake mead? I know it’s up in the air but would 6 inches of rain do anything to lake meads water level.
That is funny. The companies are owned by German brothers. One runs a high end grocer(kaufhause maybe) the other Aldi. Trader Joe’s is the...