I am no fan of Mike Pence but his actions on January 6th showed integrity. Something that a lot of politicians on both sides lack.
I always called it the armpit of Florida
Well private sellers need to be responsible in their business. Maybe if you sell a gun to a nut who shoots up a place. You lose the right to own...
Fdle is doing its investigation. It will all be released after the investigation is over.
DeLand had a shooting yesterday. A guy who had been causing trouble for a while and who liked to carry unlicensed unnumbered guns. The police...
If fifa ever did the right thing on anything it would have to be a mistake. Fifa may be the only global organization more corrupt than the Olympics.
Not even sure if this is still legal. BYU used to let big guys go on their two year mission run before enrolling. So their true freshmen would be...
My reading and 45 years of watching these things tell me this is going to land closer to tallacrappy. Take that for what it’s worth which isn’t...
It felt wrong but I found it on a list.
Texas AM stadium is 3200 feet above sea level. Never heard anybody complain about that.
So truth is a left or a right thing? Truth is truth. It has no bias. Refute the truth if you can. When you can’t will you acknowledge it?
Wouldn’t just have been easier to give the operator a heads up on those they wanted to pass.
Not a fan of lie detector tests. They are about as accurate as flipping a coin. But the nepotism implied here is more problematic.
Exactly my point being religious gives you absolutely no clues as to whether you are dealing with a person of morals. All I know is anybody who...
The religious wrong is a major part of the Republican Party. The anti abortion crap they support is truly evil writ large.
I have experience in this. Decades ago I ran a multi specialty medical clinic. I saw the potential for fraud when they changed how you determine...
So if everybody does something illegal that makes it okay? I don’t hate conservatives. I consider myself to be conservative. What trump and the...
This desire for more policing. Maybe it trumpers looking around saying a lot of these people should be locked up?
I added the second paragraph after channingcrowder put up his winner comment. Only I am responsible for that missive.
Everybody stole 5 billion from the taxpayers so it doesn’t count? I thought that was trumps gig. Oh I get it Scott defrauds the taxpayers better...