Oh, I totally believe it. We all know it. They enabled a criminal. The Republican party has leadership and (many, many) members who have told...
Sir, you honestly haven't figured this out yet? That "30% lower paid" (or similar) labor force is here because American businesses want it here,...
Respectfully, I disagree 100%. Illegally trying to deny the will of the people through a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election is a...
Definitely. I think the New York Post has been considered an extremely credible source by Republicans, so I'm going to believe THEM. On the other...
Getting ready for Trump to appoint Dmitry Medvedev to a cabinet level position. Most likely one dealing with classified information and national...
I want to express how proud I am that you made your point without using a GIF.
Is this Noem woman the one that was committing adultery with the former Trump campaign manager who was charged with a crime? Wait, there are a...
....despite the laughably unqualified, if not actually counterproductive, Trump appointments. You left the ending off of your post, so I added it...
Uh, yeah. Whoever wins the election is indeed made the president. Most people don't enact a criminal conspiracy to overturn elections they lose...
No, I think the posts in this thread have been referencing fake things, unlike what you mention. With the exception, of course, of your tired...
You don't disagree, do you? You'd be fine if right now Joe Biden was establishing fake elector slates, publicly lying about fake election fraud,...
You have to bear in mind that one of my main points is : it's absolutely unacceptable (and indeed un-American) to vote for someone who enacted a...
Trump knows monetary policy better then some damn Washington beaurocrats.* * He learned it by bankrupting numerous businesses.
Absolutely hilarious. Way to go Donny.
Dropped by to see Trump supporters cheer for the appointment of an allged sexual predator and alleged sex trafficker to be "America's top cop."...
Dropped by to see Trump supporters cheer the appointment of someone with Russia's interests at heart. Leaving unsurprised.
Please don't forget - all the people who were extremely pleased that we were invading Iraq now feel free to label everyone but Trump cronies...
a demographic block of 12 million or more souls will certainly include some who commit a crime. Did your cool (not) GIFs prevent you from...
Well, if you'd actually stop soiling yourself over posting witless GIFs and did some thinking, you'd realize that the "all libbies are cRaZy...
Lol. I'm open to the possibility that I have it wrong. I think its just outlived it's purpose, which pertained to the post-slavery environment,...