I thought you were going to follow this line with a discourse on how Trump just repeatedly explained (with racist lying) how illegal immigrants...
Wow. You're going with "Pedo Joe" when there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that he committed sex crimes, much less pedophilia?...
Still telling lies about fake election fraud? What evidence do you have of this?
You should stop shilling for the Trumpy alleged pedophile long enough to read and learn about the things you opine about. DOJ didn't "get...
That's a funny meme. It made me laugh. Out loud. Because it's funny. It's also funny to see what Trump has reduced Republicans and the...
Their leadership is now refusing to release the report on Gaetz from the Ethics Committee that is controlled by their own party. Why are they so...
Stop the steal? :)
Look at the criminality Trump supporters have sank to supporting. It's really no surprise, given what they've supported and enabled so far. In...
Here's the lawyer for one of the witnesses in the Gaetz case, who has strongly expressed that the House investigation should be made public....
Very pleased to see that Republicans support honoring election laws and respecting the results. Also; " "What I want to do is this. I just want...
People had negative comments about a guy whose entire campaign was telling racist lies? They had negative comments about a guy who publicly lied...
The Dems just saw a political party devote itself to lying for a candidate who clearly enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election....
"How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." I actually read an op-ed somewhere that made the Gaetz nomination very clear; in addition to...
Matt Gaetz is a very serious man, who truly loves America and keeping Americans safe. Here he is in early 2020, helping to battle against...
Yeah, sure big fella. All that stuff about Trump was just lies. The sexual assault adjudication, the other 26 sexual assault allegations, the...
Some of us didn't.
The most noteworthy aspect of whether this report will be released or not is....that total normalization of governing with a complete lack of even...
I posted precisely that; You have to bear in mind that one of my main points is : it's absolutely unacceptable (and indeed un-American) to vote...
So you have no big problem with voting for the only sitting POTUS in US history who tried to not peacefully transfer power, and enacted a criminal...
Try to avoid the gender policing and insults- you're good at neither. So....you're NOT OK with a sitting President trying to not peacefully...