Pedo Joe? I can do "Rapey Don" then, with no repercussions, correct?
Don't you really have to also get belief in the Hindu pantheon of 30 million+ gods, and all the concomitant tenets of Hinduism? If I'm wrong on...
Sorry, but I think that the right-wing victimhood over using the rhetoric of Hitler, then.....when that rhetoric is condemned....... complaining...
LOL. Did someone reference judging this case with no facts?
Unqualified? Check. Credible allegations of sex crimes? Check. Man, I'd hate to be a black light at a Trump cabinet meeting. Vince McMahon...
^ Howling mad.
So wait - you support news organizations trying to tell the truth, making efforts to avoid defaming anyone with lies, and avoiding $800 million...
Sorry? I was just asking. Would you say that he's a criminal?
Should we not actually be congratulating Trump for finally nominating someone not credibly accused of either adultery or sexual assault? Or both.
The criminal Trump really really likes him!!!* * To use the Justice Department to cover-up Trump's crimes.
So what you're saying is that Trump's not a criminal? We didn't see him adjudicated guilty of sexual abuse? We didn't see him, for example, try...
And how do you feel about the Speaker of the house actively trying to exert influence that this report NOT be released? Is he not actively...
But it's fun to watch. That's about the only positive about watching trump continue to debase our country.
This below sounds pretty normal too. Guy who, as a 30-ish adult, loves having sex with HS girls, using drugs and partying.........."adopted" a...
Do you actually even like Gaetz? Has he passed some laws you like? Said some wise things? Helped people? Do you actually think he's even...
So here you've quoted example 6,498 from wall supporters about how a highly manned, short section of wall in a heavily populated area should...
^ Unlike on healthcare, immigration, infrastructure, covid, fiscal responsibility, and.....well, everything else, Donald Trump is going to solve...
Because it's NOT FAIR. Unless Trump wins. Then it's fair. And crime is OK now, if it's committed by Republicans, particularly Trump allies....
I, for one, am pretty darn upset that Ukraine used these nasty weapons...... ......against the good Russian people who are just trying to take...
We've known this forever, but MAGA is really just about grievance. Everything is unfair, bad, someone else gets something, there needs to be an...