I’m employing the term expense slightly differently, without any connotation regarding costs incurred by the other parties. Basically, if my view...
It was actually you that introduced the term faith. I’m simply suggesting that the fact that research changed your mind can’t help the rest of us...
It’s fascinating stuff. Indeed Thomas’ affirmative action dissent / agreement sounds pretty intense.
I believe you. The challenge is, as almost always, to determine how much of this change was due to the nature of the research vs the nature of...
Tangentially relevant look at the nature of disagreement among the justices....
Clearly you have a high regard of your option at the expense of all others, but what most interests me is your insistence that everyone is...
It must be tough being stuck on a planet full of us idiots.
What a great article. Thanks.
I should really see wolf of Wall Street some day, but Margot was amazing in I, Tonya. Not hot, but amazing.
The trailer made it look like it might have an interesting premise. And it’s made by Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach, so I’ll at least keep an open...
Yep, way below the dignity of the office.
It’s really easy to be pulled along day by day and judge events based on the recent past, but we should indeed take and occasional step back to...
A turkey is captured from the forest. He’s very afraid and thinks he’s going to die. To his surprise, his captors don’t kill him but feed him the...
I would suggest that if one’s definition of tyranny is the government making a decision with which they personally disagree, their definition...
Somewhat related, I’m reading Choosing in Groups by Mike Munger and came across a neat note on the constitution: “In August of 1789, the French...
This is the experience I have had with my undergrads as well. Admittedly, biology students aren’t necessarily representative of all citizens, but...
Mine is certainly a claim based on certain assumptions and values. Here’s where my mind is: Grades in school are paramount. If you want to get...
In the current world, indeed this is a huge problem, but this just pushes the question one bit down the road: why not have “metaschools” where...
It’s possible. I think the current data suggests that online education doesn’t lead to the same learning gains though. Regardless, there must be...