Um sure, but note that you could have terminated this exchange in a much less rude manner many posts ago by simply answering the question.
Again, we are back to the question of who determines what is a lie? Or as John Locke would keenly put it: “For if the light, which every one...
I think we are again conflating two separate issues. 1) I certainly agree that a system of government can only be sustained with at least some...
I agree that the nature of society’s views on transgenderism in sports is irrelevant for the topic, but I think that if government mandated...
I believe that you have here produced two conflicting descriptions of the problem. In the former, you have identified “the government” as the key...
I brought up the idea of Trump supporters being seen as sheep to highlight that the designation of who is sheep will always be in the eye of the...
Do think force in the only method of control? [IMG] In my view, totalitarianism is less about what is being done than who is doing it. Most of...
In your system, who gets to determine what is a lie?
I think you are adopting a very unique definition of totalitarianism here. The term is traditionally, and I think rightly, used to describe when a...
I think I did more than attempt it, but in short, I would just suggest that finding that an outcome A occurred in the past before a possible cause...
Im just applying your logic, so I’m confused about the disagreement.
Yes, and also how much warmer Death Valley would have been if all this industrial CO2 had been around then!
Highest unemployment ever recorded 24.7% in ~USA~ not today, but in 1933. And with no Joe Biden on Earth.
Agreed. I never meant to argue that there are only two or that stereotypes are accurate representations. In fact, I was try to explain why the...
I think you misunderstood. I was just describing what are some common stereotypes, not my narrative. I never invented a stereotype.
I think this is highlighting the problem we keep running into: who decides? You queried the chief of a local tribe. Dan is looking to his Native...
As I said above, I am not worthy of judging what is the line of acceptability, but I would say that for me bringing out this tired old joke that...
Ah I think I see the confusion now. When I said the comment didn’t rise above an insult, you took it to mean that I was personally feeling...
There are at least two Republican stereotypes: The poorly educated rural one you are referencing, and also the rich country club one.
This misconception is actually a widely found result. Unsurprisingly, most members of both parties seem to be mistaken regarding the types of...