I think you are reading this wrong. Muller’s goal was to actually bring the skeptic’s criticisms to the scientific community. By “addressing” the...
Indeed. Again, I don’t see how the benefits being special changes the situation. In my hypothetical above, the tax breaks that pro-DeSantis...
We’ve had this same debate many times, so I don’t think we will come to agree here, but to me, the first amendment makes it very clear that the...
I think this model is a bit too simplistic. If there is a shadow entity out there that actually controls politicians, they would be often shooting...
I know that I am often annoyingly sympathetic to alternative political viewpoints, but I just cannot get my mind around how anyone can defend...
My overall point is that there are countless people who know things, and often these things they “know” are in conflict. If we are going to decide...
I’m not sure this really answer our question. What if there were whistleblower climate skeptics that came forward to explain that the deniers...
Thanks man. I think I am up to 2-3 flus and 2 COVIDs. So far this COVID isn’t as bad as the one I got last summer, but it’s still early. And I...
We never did end up getting booster shots, but unfortunately my son and I are currently getting our second natural boost of COVID. I am not sure...
This is an eternal question, bate: how do we know what is true? I am of the growing school of thought that individuals are extremely flawed in...
Here’s the problem, Rick: Even if there are 5, 10, or 100 climate scientists coming out and saying this (and Curry might be the only of which...
Washington is a really fascinating dude, and he most certainly gave us this warning. This composition of his sticks with me: “The alternate...
I like the idea, but i think they would stand little chance at this point going up against candidates that rouse tribal rage. I would humbly...
We do replace our leaders, frequently, but with whom are we supposed to replace them? Don’t love Obama? Here, you can have Trump. Trump turned out...
Very nicely done, sir. But don’t forget Kahneman’s lesson. Your correlation of success can’t be that much higher than the pros!
I notice you didn’t take the same pains to mock the poster who started the thread about a personal letter written in 1982 by a guy who was last in...
It seems like a pretty bad time indeed. One of the many things that struck me about the first indictments of Trump was how quickly his...
Super interesting. Believing that I can see a reality invisible to everyone else is a trait I’ll simply never possess. Hence why I’ve never really...
As they say, it’s tough to beat Vegas. If all the indicators were clearly pointing toward crash, then there would be no value in shorting, as the...
This is most definitely true. That said, we are always better at spotting the splinter in our neighbor’s eye, so I could easily see accusations...