The US military destroyed, at the time, the 4th largest army on earth in about 5 weeks During air and ground operations, U.S. and allied forces...
1. This here is a wet dream. Russia would never fire on NATO. It would be suicide. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it so don't peddle that...
I got you. Again, the discussion is pointless because Russia would be FORCED to use a nuclear deterrent to stop Nato from just rolling into Moscow...
I might have misunderstood, but i thought the artillery was baked into the makeup of the infantry divisions - which is why I thought they would be...
It's pretty simple actually. The US Would have to call up probably 3 or 4 divisions. They currently have 10 active. These divisions would include...
What you said makes no sense at all. Just because people are ignorant of the different stakeholders doesn’t absolve them from representing them lol.
lol I’ve worked as a student representative at the grad level and as an advisor with past student body presidents. They very rarely represent more...
1. "The university has been pushed hard left for decades": disagree with this. No one has pushed UF left. 1 - more people who are already liberal...
At the level of prin His voting record is problematic - and the way Uf has done this has shit optics. I don’t blame anyone for being upset...
Ukraine update: Terrorist Putin launches mass strikes against civilian targets in another tantrum Updates on the missile attacks from earlier...
And don't you forget it comrade ;-)
Because daddy US said no. Deal with it. :-P
They moved it to a private room. The students crack me up. So militant lol.
Nice - had to step away for the student forum - but I'm sure he's used to it. GAU and a few other groups pretty much protest almost every BOT...
True, but I would also say that he is starting from a place of lacking experience at this level, so almost like a coach with very little...
Interestingly enough, he didn't specifically address academic freedom and unless I missed it in the 5 minutes I had to look away.
Nothing really earth shattering. he's very good at staying on message. Tells good anecdotes. A lot of what he says is stuff i've read skimming his...
Listening to his presentation to the faculty senate right now. He's a good speaker. Facing some tough questions about his politics and how he will...
Why can't some people just enjoy football talk? You are literally trashing fans for talking football on a football based forum.
"The annexation is a result of the continued support from western allies since day one." [IMG]