Wisconsin and Iowa do share a border.
And when you combine all the polls, showing Trump with an average of 32 percentage points over DeSantis, that's a pretty big sample size. All of...
There's plenty of places just as good or better to go to.
That was for new leases on public lands. What about all the wells that oil producers voluntarily shut down due to the collapse in demand? Oil...
I know you want to blame everything on Biden but that's not how it works. Oil companies lowered the supply of oil all on their own. Why?...
Sure, after you explain the economics of gas prices during a pandemic.
They don't? That's news to me.
Legalized bigotry.
At least Ron got a golf simulator out of the deal.
Call me a liar then. The way you throw the word around gives it no meaning coming from you anyway. You clearly don't understand what it means....
She doesn't need to clarify anything. She said a couple of mods think she is going to hell. That's her assumption. It could be wrong or it...
Good and evil are far too black and white to categorize humans into. We're all on that spectrum. I do think human history has been inordinately...
And calling other posters liars is your M.O. It just reflects on you. Her post was clearly somewhat tongue-in-cheek and she wasn't even...
You really should give calling out posters as liars a rest.
Who is moving away from pro choice of a woman to the right of a woman to abort up to a certain date? Most pro-choicers have always agreed there...
Brain damage leads to being right-wing? Makes sense.
The scary thing is that it wasn't a unanimous 9-0 decision. Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch are right wing freaks.
Your statement was very clear: "Find a single animal (other than humans) that's been infected with COVID. That's a pretty simple task. They don't...
It's a simple task and and easy task. It's common knowledge that other animals have been infected with COVID. A couple of years ago Denmark had...
That's kinda dumb. It takes a ridiculous amount of natural ability to make it to MLB. Maybe NBA players have more raw athletic ability, but it...