Yeah, it's about CMT. I just pulled the video up on youtube so it's not banned anywhere but CMT.
Man that's a really dumb song. Here's a much better version of the country vs city dynamic that Nashville is so fond of. This song used to be on...
What additional nuance is there? Try explaining it again. Maybe we'll get it this time.
Here's all he really had to say: Let's say there's an ex-president who is really popular amongst a large segment of the population. Should that...
I think the problem is you're just really bad at writing. You could have easily said what you wanted to say in 1 paragraph rather than 6.
Not that this post has anything to do with this thread, but you should probably provide attribution when you copy and paste copyrighted material....
Most of the hate aimed at DeSantis is because he is a despicable person doing despicable things. And DeSanits has little chance of beating Biden...
Yeah it's like the husband who blames the wife for making him beat her.
Yet somehow in polls a large majority of Republicans continue to say they think the election was stolen.
Ok well I see you meticulously 'disliked' all of mine so I thought maybe mine were the only ones you were reading. Any thoughts on the premise...
I'm back! Have you read any of the OP's posts?
Congrats. You started the dumbest thread we've had here in a long time. And every subsequent post of yours has just made it dumber. I'm out.
This is just nuts. That is not what he said. Are you really a lawyer?
Saying stuff like this doesn't change the fact that you don't know what an analogy is.
Hard to believe, isn't it?
Where did he say he thought Trump was an enemy of the state? He was responding, as a member of the military, to your hypothetical uprising of...
And based on this post I'm pretty sure you didn't know you were making an analogy when you compared OJ to Trump with regards to innocence vs not...
This is a really bad analogy for your argument. You're now comparing Trump to OJ, whom everyone knows was guilty. Should OJ not even have been...
I avoid it because it's a pain in the ass to deal with someone who throws nothing but misinformation at you and expects you to debate it. It's...
It's pretty clear Trump was trying to illegally overturn an election. Whether there's enough evidence to convict him in a court of law is hard to...