To answer my own question, I just did a search on the 200+ page curriculum for the word 'read'. It does not appear in the context of slavery (or...
I wonder if the curriculum mentions that it was illegal to teach slaves to read. That's a marketable skill.
Yeah I'm sure you're a big fan of highly educated government bureaucrats too. They can do no wrong and should not be questioned. DeSantis loves...
LOL. It don't take a PhD to know that this is a really bad idea. All it takes is some common decency and some common sense. And it doesn't even...
Yeah not going to look for your post from last week in a thread that is 22 pages long. So because something is true, it should be included in a...
LOL. Calm down, you're gonna burst an artery there sport. You are the one who has been trying to change the subject by myopically insisting that...
You just can't help being an ahole, can you? As for the bolded question, no, I can't. Do you think free Blacks couldn't have learned those same...
True or false, concentration camp inmates got a free place to stay? True! Let's put it in the curriculum! As for marketable skills, are you...
And ensuring a minimal level of quality of life and dignity for your fellow Americans who weren't as fortunate as you, not that you care about that.
What's the twisted interpretation of it? They went out of their way to add that slaves gained marketable skills by being slaves. Why add that?
He'd have to be running against Mussolini for that to happen, and even then it'd be a tough choice.
Doesn't bother me at all. Enjoy it. You're welcome.
Presidents who push through major infrastructure bills and who push through major increases in spending on technology most certainly do impact the...
You won't. You're gonna need that money.
Swastika or not, it's a super creepy image with the soldiers marching towards it and DeSantis.
Then refuse to accept your SS benefits when the time comes, since you don't need them.
He appointed the people who wrote it and he's defended it. It's indefensible.
Yeah if they do make a trade, I wouldn't mind if B Lowe were part of it, though I doubt he would be. But he's just wildly inconsistent. Trade...
Went back and found the posts about the Rays. It's just been a brutal month. Worst team in the AL for the month of July. Why do the Rays suffer...
You're one of the ones libbies are trying to help by preventing Repubs from cutting your benefits. You're welcome.