There was also talk he wanted Applewhite (who he worked with at UT). I remember that, and bringing in Weiss was probably a big mistake. Probably...
I saw another report suggesting this as well. If you think about it, it's the only way it could happen. The thought of them intercepting the...
But you trust Ritter? The guy's been bad mouthing the US since the Bush administration.
Poll testing my friend. BRING IT BACK!!!
Shhh. The looney toons are looney tooning!
1. They're already conquered and subjugated. 2. Nobody wants them. Israel tried to give Gaza back to Egypt and Egypt said "Hell the F No!"
Literally from the beginning of the revolution. Dan Carlin did a podcast on slavery and went into real detail on the Haitian Revolution. To say is...
Purely antidotal from the early 2000s. I don't doubt any of this at all.
That's awesome, but the person they're targeting is probably paying 25% already. Get it?
They should be an encouragement to do that, not a critical revenue stream. They were trying to cap them not eliminate them.
I don't care about any of that. Call me when you have a real issue to discuss, not gossipy nonsense.
They spit on the concept of arguing in good faith and have an 8-year track record to back that up. It's pointless. They're useless. Don't waste...
Unless Harris wins, then it will be a crime to point out the obvious re. Hamas (they're bloodthirsty killers who sacrificed innocent Palestinians...
Because it's inherently not. Change the tone of voice, add another sentence or phrase and it could mean two very different things. "I can't...
Wow. Lots of weird and stupid here. Where to start? More like, why bother? And, yes, I "wish" there was a way to make people like this go away...
Okeechobee wants it. Hell, he'd nuke the entire country if it meant Trump gets in the WH.
Another example of MAGA NOT being conservative at all. Again, from my 5 years of living in South Florida, the Haitians I met (or just saw) were...
Maybe where you live, but we never see that in Seminole FL. Some blue hairs (both kinds), sure. But nothing like that. You have to search real...
Conservatives and conservatism is a natural element in society. MAGA is weird! And when you dig in, not even conservative either. Rabble Rouser...
It's all France's fault. Look it up! That said, Haiti definitely would have been better off staying a French colony. It's been nothing but...