Yawn! You left the important part out. Obviously, we'll be continuing this in the future.
Something is weirding out with your GIFs.
Just not worth the time. For the sake of time (and my sanity) we'll just make note moving forward.
Since I'm not wasting my time going through multiple years of posts from you, I'll just make note moving forward? You good with that? Yeah, who...
No, it's totally goofy. I put it on wrong the first (and subsequent times). That's the way the dumb thing is designed. And here's the kicker. It...
This entire thread. Every single post I've seen from you.
So, maybe just list a few areas where you disagree with Trump. Ukraine, perhaps? Or are you on the Marjorie Traitor Chomsky bandwagon there?
Good one.
Pretty obvious. Probably your typical Bizarro Communist (Rand/Objectivist).
Zeihan had a video about that today.
See, if that was the case, it would already be over. So, you know, try harder next time. Or, at least try. You guys (FSB) even suck at propaganda...
Some tried (Haley), but the morons chose the coin flip in OT over the 35-0 shutout. Can't fix stupid!
That's actually a thing. My GF bought me one like this, with print on front and this logo on the back. Is this the defects/misprints are good look?
Not sure why the focus has shifted to exclusively cats. Certainly dogs present a better pound-for-pound return on fresh meat.
I'm not sure this even qualifies as cherry picking. Just some grifter grifting to the outrage anglers. And, look? They not only took the bait,...
They look LONG and HARD. The term I like to use (for weirdos like this on both sides) is Outrage Angler.
Well, if this rando is saying so, it MUST be true.
Cool. I'm sure Gary Johnson appreciated the vote. Either way, you routinely carry his and MAGA's water.
As the guy on the Daily Show said, "Who leaves comments on a porn site?" Imagine "engaging" on a porn site like it's GC or something. LOL!
Could have fooled me. Kinda telling that you guys are now running from the title.