But they'll just retreat to their bubble of ignorance (MAGA Moron World) and reaffirm their stupid views. "Calling them out" just empowers them,...
Our China tariffs are as much if not exclusively about geopolitics not economics. I know you guys love to push your "free trade" narrative, but...
It's all of that . . . plus you left out probably the biggest contributor - Big Alcohol. Let's face it, they've taken a massive hit the last...
Either way, the commercials are laughably misleading and anyone who votes based on that nonsense should be stripped of their voting rights...
Or, they won't. Again, the precedent in places like CA and CO is to allow it.
Not only that, but selection. Why have all of one kind when you can have a variety, for the same price? Oh, and mine is next to Publix and has a...
"Couldn't" And medical has been legal for nearly a decade in FL.
Only in America could a line of attack this dumb actually work. As if you can and would be able to grow your own if this fails. If anything,...
Again, you're wasting your words on these idiots. Dude didn't even make it to the bullet points (if he made it that far) before he was already...
So, you're clearly still mad at Bush for Katrina, right? God, you guys are just laughable with how tone deaf you are. Hypocrisy be dammed! I've...
Your words are wasted. This dude is an absolute simp. I doubt he made it past the third word.
Because Elon is a rabble-rousing hypocrite. Just leave it at that.
Oh, and what groups? The Spanish/Native race, Christians who speak a European Romance Language? America isn't Germany or France chief. The...
You lost me at 500 million and beyond. . . LOL! Again, if you're going to propagandize, at least try a little and make it at least somewhat...
He's a MAGA Moron. What did you expect? Sage wisdom and a detailed and nuanced take? They guy gets his "news" from "Truth Justice" and "End...
"Truth Justice" = The Walter Cronkite of our times.
Wow! "End Wokeness" What a totally legit site! Definitely the site all the "smart people" are following.
Well, smart guy, that's exactly what he's doing and what attacking Biden from the Chomsky left has accomplished. What can you say? Retards gonna...
Nailed it! It's all about his ego and saving face at this point. Every possible strategic gain was lost in the first two-weeks of the war.
And yet - and in all their "infinite wisdom" - MAGA morons attack the milquetoast left from the left. . . when the opening was always from the...