This is exactly why we will always be in their camp. They're very good and our defense industries/departments work together closely. Whatever you...
He's the Panderer In Chief. I liked him his first two years. Took a common-sense approach to pretty much everything. But then he started the...
Obviously, anything can happen. But something about that line and the unhinged nature of it. . . how utterly stupid and self-destructive it was...
Stupid people! Especially in an election that will be decided by a few thousand swing votes. But, you know, MAGA gonna Moron!
More things to engage in a speculative circle jerk with other MAGAs?
Yeah, because this clown is hiding something. Good Lord. Have you seen the pictures of him? I doubt you could get 3 sane words out of this kook in...
For anyone wanting to know how those tears taste come November, I can tell you personally (see above) they are delicious.
Remember. When the time comes. . . . Alexander the Great!
They are in the NFL. They just make it match the helmet.
That's gold, dude!
Yes, but the FBI is part of said grand conspiracy, so. . . . .
Still not going to help in November. But, you know, whatever gets you through the day.
Yes, but Obama is the puppet master of the grand Liberal Conspiracy. Come on dude, you didn't know that? It's common knowledge in the circle of...
It's all part of the grand conspiracy. . . like hiring incompetent nut cases to perform a hit. It's like 6D chess it's sooo clever!
Just stop already. You're trying to argue in good faith with people who tossed that out the window years ago. They're gone now and I highly doubt...
They're too busy working their 3rd job.
IDK. Nothing will beat "they're eating cats and dogs!" for humor. Or just mindless insanity and campaign malpractice.
Although, weirdly enough, there was nothing of the sort in the post you're quoting. But, whatever. It is what it is. And MAGA tears are going to...
MAGA can't. Hope is not nor has it ever been a part of their message. It's all about selling how bad America is.
Oh, I am. I wanted Haley bad and, yeah, I just hate Trump and his supporters even more. This is very much the 180 of 2016 for me. Another vote...