1st Qtr 5:43 GATORS UP 7 - 0!
“Here We Go Gators! Here We Go!
2 Bits 4 Bits 6 Bits A Dollar! All For The Gators, Stand Up And Holler!
“Gators are ready for some football, finally!” The Florida Gators open football season at Ole Miss on Saturday
I don’t know. You hear so much about it everyday. Local Spectrum TV news just a few minutes ago had someone on about why some can even get it twice.
Seems to be everywhere around the world.
And I’m an 80%er., most of the time. :)
And now some local TV coverage of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and others.
Presently I’ve been watching on Spectrum TV, a Q&A from the media to the President. He has a very good, very good, Task Force answering many of...