Kirby will bury this team without hesitation. He hates us like SOS hates uga.
So was I
No doubt he has his work cut out for him. Not only with this team but the goodwill of the fan base as well. Took a match to it.
Mystery solved! It was the water boy! I KNEW it!
So we have the rowdy reptiles for basketball, will a section of the swamp call themselves the basement dwellers?
He ain't going quietly if he loses. What WarDamnGator said.....
Same Ms. Driscoll who taught at Finley?
I bet Vandy is snapping their fingers and saying " damn".....
re-tagging the swamp as " the basement" ? technically the playing surface is below ground level.
In your own house no less.
So we've gone from hoping for a winning season to whether we win one or two? Damn.....
The program is in one.
Or just replay a previous presser.
No doubt, that if a change is made stricklin goes too.
Other than the basement thing, did he have anything new to say?
So with his buyout, he essentially hit the lottery and will be set for life. 26 mil and he never has to coach again.
Maybe we spring an upset
true re: social media, but also good luck with that lol
A LONG way to go to earn back any respect at all. How many of our opponents have us penciled as a W for them?
He has other things to focus on than bitching at the pissed off fan base.