It's not about the motive, as in whether they were well-intentioned. It's about whether there was teeth behind the government's requests. If there...
I'm not trying to say "but Trump," I'm just pointing to a standard where I genuinely don't think Trump violated the 1st Amendment, yet he was...
Again, good point. Not a simple answer, though. Kind of pushing the envelope as to what is Constitutional, but still being borderline enough to...
That is a great point. The question is whether these "orders" had any teeth to them or if they came with threats against these same companies.
Correct. The Devil is in the details with things like this. If the government is "requesting" Michael Corleone style to "monitor"...
Yes, every movie that underperforms is woke. That is totally an accurate characterization of what conservatives are saying. So stupid.
How are you supposed to know how she feels if you don't shoot your shot? There's douchy behavior that's kind of lumped in here as well, and I'm...
No, they care. They're just willing tolerate it the more "interesting and entertaining" it is. Now, there's a whole genre for political film and...
[IMG] Somehow I think the appeal to Avatar is the visual spectacle, not the "environmentalism" and "colonialism" angle. Remove the visual...
She makes a critical fundamental mistake in her reasoning. She assumes people are typically good at their job.
Top Gun was popular not because it’s this genuinely great movie, but because people are starving for old-school Hollywood type movies without...
The American interpretation for "equality" has shifted over the last 30 years thanks to the radical left. When people said "equality" 30 years...
Again, I don't think that this is a characterization of the broad American audience, but rather, a critique on a particular group of influential...
I saw the interview, and I don't think that is an incredibly fair take of what he said. He noted that he was not saying that the "woke left" and...
Come on man, that's a bit of a reach. Republicans are called snowflakes (not saying by you) for refusing to see a movie with left-wing partisan...
'Sound of Freedom' beats 'Indiana Jones' in incredible box-office coup The movie beat Indiana Jones, an iconic Lucasfilm franchise with a $300...
Because this is a classic case of good Republican politics, river. The movie isn't political. But Fox News and Republicans know that Democrats...
If all it took to condemn a movie was a vocal minority of people misinterpreting the point in an unbelievably stupid manner, then no movie tied to...
A summary of this thread: "Hitler owned a dog, so we should hate dogs."