That is such weak sauce. He was responding to a post that made a historical claim, and he responded appropriately. Does that look like being...
Some measures have been more successful than others in the past. Catch and release only so the people crossing don't show up on their court date...
I think that says more about how few people are in that $10 million and up group than anything. When Bernie Sanders is talking about the 1%,...
If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were making a case for American Imperialism. :D We can't have it all folks. We can't have the welfare...
In that case, I guess we should stop trying. Oh well. Tough marbles for the folks in La Joya.
It's not just about people "abusing" the system. A lot of these people are just trying their best, but it's not about "trying your best." It's...
You don't see any problem with that?
It might make things better (and it might not, depending on the details), but it certainly won't fix the problem. And although I think this is...
You really are a sick person.
I stopped reading at this point. Don't lie about what I'm saying.
Yeah, that doesn't really answer the issue. There's no question that there are benefits. The question is if the benefits exceed the costs, and... Surprising findings...
You show up to an emergency room, they're treating you. Who do you think foots the bill? There's a lot of costs that aren't directly attributed...
You're lumping in a lot of different things together that really shouldn't be lumped in together. Fleeing religious persecution or identity...
Guest worker program, depending on the specifics, isn't necessarily bad policy, but it's not even close to a solution to the border crisis. The...
I will have to say that if Abbott is the one who made the call for "pushing them back in the water," or an Abbott appointee, or something along...
Is there any evidence that the order to push them back into the water came from Abbott or a high level official? Genuinely want to know. That to...
It's the whole the only thing that matters and the only reality that matters is this self-perception. And it is not incumbent on the individual to...
And that's the whole question. Is an authority figure asking you inherently compelling you? This is not legal advice, but hypothetically, if a...
To get them to do what they want. But all they can do is ask. If the company says no, they can't legally do anything about it. If they try, it...