Protesting a terrorist organization is a fools errand. Protests are intended to influence people and governments that are capable of reason and...
It’s all just so sad that nobody feels safe enough to answer their door without a gun.
1. The proposition that the sun is in the center of the world and immovable from its place is absurd, philosophically false, and formally...
Cop shouldn’t have had his gun drawn. Dude shouldn’t have answered the door with his gun drawn. All of us shouldn’t have to live in a shithole...
hey that drunk at the end of the bar knows EXACTLY what’s it’s like to get punched in the throat. You can’t put a price tag on experience like that.
Jeez Louise who gives a shit?
contra has implied it multiple times in multiple threads.
Ha! Suck it you web toed troglodyte! Something even the GOP and Dems can agree - MGT sucks.
There is nothing novel about the moral rules set forth in the Bible. What makes them unique is the method of enforcement so to speak. The...
It’s the ethic of reciprocity. Treat others like you want to be treated. It really all stems from that one simple guideline.
I really hope they can iron out a hostage swap. Doubt it but I hope so.
Still waiting on that money you owe me.
That all sounds perfectly reasonable.
I gotta be honest here. I don’t think Rick has changed in the slightest. He was floating Qanon conspiracies on this board before Ron Watkins was...
Again, the percentage of civilian deaths in an urban conflict has no bearing on whether the civilians deaths are justified or on whether the...
They don’t want Israel to stop.
Im not sure what the historical percentage of civilian casualties in urban warfare has to do with whether an endeavor is successful or not or...
Bottom line is Israel is not effectively eradicating the terrorists despite killing tens of thousands of innocents in their efforts. Time to stop.