LOL !! What about the establishment of fake elector slates? What about him personally calling state officials and coercing them? Those things...
I don't think this is actually accurate. I saw a Tucker Carlson special where Russia had delicious bread, and a beautiful, graffiti-free subway....
You're still here shilling for a criminal traitor who led a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election? Even though his efforts included fake...
Please let this lead to another defamation case!
You're still troll-shilling for the criminal traitor by trying to minimize the violent element of his criminal conspiracy to overturn an election?...
He's going to spend this money to encourage evangelical Christians to vote for the criminal traitor?
That sounds like a pretty good movie. The cerebral aspects seem interesting. Do you actually enjoy movies that have a legitimate cerebral...
Somewhere around 140 police went to the hospital as a result of violent attacks during the violent part of Trump's conspiracy to subvert a federal...
This. Should have been dug up long ago. On a separate note, does anyone else feel that blending all these Trump criminal conspiracies into one...
Yup. It's the fault of the media that, during the violent part of Trump's conspiracy to overturn an election, about 140 cops were sent to the...
Oh look at you - wordsmithing for a criminal traitor! How cute!! I think we all know what assault is. And when about 140 cops need to go to the...
Respectfully, I think you transitioned too seamlessly between two things; a) On most legitimate policy decisions, he is just lying to them. He...
And criminality. It's far too important to leave that out. After all - the new RNC head was basically chosen for his willingness to lie about...
I must disagree. It is an oligarchic kleptocracy disguised in populist robes. But what has the Trump family ever done to help or serve the...
The lengths some of us (YOU, actually) will go to to defend a criminal's criminal conspiracy to defraud voters by overturning an election..........
LOL. So maybe not "beaten", but definitely assaulted? And you're clearly OK with that, because we all saw it happen. Also; no. No hemming and...
Weird comment. So you are saying that 100s of cops WEREN'T beaten during the violent protest element of Trump's conspiracy to overturn an...
1. How could Trump have gone after Hillary? That would be the job of DOJ. They're independent of POTUS, right? (or are you basically just...
One of our choices tried to disenfranchise 10's of millions of voters by assaulting the very bedrock of our democracy: free and fair elections,...
Oh the horror - thinking that about crusty ole Joe Biden!! I can see why that really makes you mad, sir. Especially when you clearly have no...