Why are you telling us this?
I can't? Isn't there an ignore button here?
We had a legitimate country/military to respond to in one case. In the other, we invaded a nation that had nothing to do with it.
Yeah, I read it. Did you look at all the other articles? Some of those are downright kooky. But that's subjective, of course. Not subjective...
Your parallel logic aside, you're still just excuse-making for a criminal. This isn't really that hard to understand : when issued a subpoena,...
That's pretty cute. And by "cute", I mean one of the weakest, not-even-gradeschool-quality, lamest attempts at witty or meaningful banter,...
Bro, you are supporting either a political candidate who is an un-American traitorous criminal, or the "political party" that wholly supports,...
Did you see that awesome piece he did on Russia? Russia is amazing, and I never realized that before Tucker showed me!
Nope, it's situational ethics and you know it. You don't mind killing when it fits your ethical framework. Nor do you truly care about people's...
I think you mean "pro-choice." Remember, all you "pro-life" frauds have no problem with Putin killing 100s of thousands in Ukraine or Israel...
MLK would be right up front at a Trump rally? "Where is he? Where is he? Oh, there's my black! He's right down there. Everyone see my...
That's a pretty kooky disinformation site you link to.
^ The Republican Party has basically become a criminal organization.
LOL. :)
Your shallow, thoughtless reply? Or your continued shilling for and defense of a criminal who committed the most un-American act in modern...
Again? "...Israel needs to halt their civilian killing offensive....and a 2006 election does not make Hamas truly representative of the current...
There are probably tons of lurkers who like to laugh at a poster who tries to justify the most un-American crime we've probably seen an American...
He is trying to assert that because I said Israel needs to halt their civilian killing offensive....and that I said a 2006 election does not make...