Votes and shills for Trump. Points fingers at other people for not wanting "unity." Couldn't make this s___ up. Serious question; are we really...
No, but you presented it. Why? Because it's such a great example of how mean people are when they describe Trump voters. Sad. We share your...
You're "question" was pointing out how mean people were to so unkindly characterize the voters of a criminal traitor. Then to lament that those...
Is that right? ALL of them? Are you sure you're not just trying to play victim by exaggerating what the mean people say on a message board?...
Probably not "rural" if they live so close to NYC. Traitors, maybe.
Indeed. Trump wanted the demonstration to be peaceful so badly that he tried to allow weapons in, saying (paraphrase) "They're not going to use...
Anybody who refers to the Trump campaign's collusion with Russia as a "hoax" should consider not voting until they have made an effort to become...
You are correct about so much, though the sentiment here but it may be a little harsh. However, I will be thrilled at the opportunity to vote...
Whose sport, sport?
Crack head? Who? I think you answered it; you are for a reasonable, conservative, smaller government. But you don't realize that the...
So what have Republicans done to help you? DeSantis' Anti-Woke bill? Trump's $1.9 trillion deficit-funded top-bracket tax cuts?
Illegal aliens vote now? These people spout this nonsense so adamantly that they actually seem to believe it.
The thing is, you probably can't think of a single thing a Republican has done to make your life easier either. Top bracket tax cuts? Protection...
That's a pretty sweet take-away from those courses - you remember their names. Too bad you didn't learn any of the material they taught. :(
Under the first Biden budget (2022) the deficit was reduced to $1.4 trillion, from the prior annual yearly amounts of $2.8 trillion and $3.1...
Edit : you're right. I'm thinking of Dr. Brown. Still waiting for my quoted MAGAt to prove the point he knows nothing about. :) I had the...
Also, FWIW, Denslow taught finance, not economics. It's almost as strange hearing you seem to brag about a college course (supposedly) taken...
That's cute. Very substantive also. Point of fact, I was very awake for Denslow. Now if you would be able to explain how spending in 2021...
Weird, the performative theater that the Trumppublican party will accept in lieu of their 'leaders' actually doing anything constructive.